Mana Kawanami


  • race: Raen Au Ra

  • gender: non-binary

  • pronouns: they/she

  • age: 20-something summers??

  • nameday: 1st Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (8/1) — This was when they were given their new name.

  • height: 5’2.4” (158.5 cm)

  • birthplace unknown

  • sexuality: bi/pan-romantic asexual

  • city-state: Limsa Lominsa

  • data center: Crystal

Updated as of 08/16/2022


Mana has always been upbeat and persistent the day they were found by her Hyuran 'grandparents.' They're eager to help anyone and everyone in their quest to repay the kindness her grandparents have shown her.It's because of this strong desire to help that leads to her frustration when she's unable to fulfill a task. They believe that if you try hard enough, you can do anything! ...So if she fails, she's not doing enough, right? With some gentle reminders from their friends, they're doing better at not placing all the burden upon themself... most of the time.Mana truly wants to believe in the best of everyone they meet. This is why she is so friendly and maybe even affectionate to new acquaintances. They're very eager to make new friends and chat, so don't be afraid to say hello sometimes!


Mana was found and 'adopted' by an older Hyuran couple near Kugane, in the Ruby Sea, when they were around 18 years old, although no one can say for sure how old they were at the time. This was because she had no recollection of how they got there. The doctors gave it a name: amnesia.Her new guardians used their every connection to find Mana's parents but it was to no avail. No Raen Au Ra came forward to claim them, nor did Mana have any memories that might've aided her.To repay their guardians, they became a sort of maid and cleaned up around the house. Put simply, she was very bad at it. However, Mana did have an uncanny proficiency with weapons whenever she wielded them. This talent revealed itself when thieves had stolen into their house at night and she fended them off with a simple pair of kitchen knives.As such, they spent more of her time defending her guardians and their abode rather than maintaining it. This is not to say they were constantly under attack, that was simply the extent her grandparents allowed her to 'help.'After a couple years and Mana was more well-adjusted to the world and its customs though books and every day life, their guardians encouraged her to leave and really experience the world rather than reading about it.They bought her a one-way ticket to Eorzea, to a famous port called Limsa Lominsa... and there, her life as an adventurer maid began.


  • Their mistress, Mi'raj, and sweetie, Nina ❤

  • Takoyaki

  • Beaches

  • Seashells

  • Hot, humid weather

  • Cats and dogs!

  • Cooking (she really tries their best...!)


  • Natto

  • Sour foods

  • 'Creepy crawlies'

  • Greedy people

  • Sarcasm (she doesn't understand it)

  • Cold weather, especially snow

  • Cleaning (unless it's for someone they love)

Found Family

Thank you for taking care of me! ❤Pictured: Mistress Mimi-sama, and my sweetie, Nina-chan!

Mana's Owner says...

  • I am non-binary and use they/them pronouns. Late twenties. I'm also a bi-romantic asexual like Mana!

  • Mana will accept light, playful flirting but isn't looking for anything serious. I'm happily taken IRL. ^^

  • Not looking for RP partners at the moment.

  • No collabs unless we're close friends.

  • Currently on hiatus until further notice. I will post screenshots when I feel like it, but I don't think I will be fully returning to this account unless something changes. Thank you for your understanding!